For some time now, we have been receiving questions from you as to how to clean ekoTuptusieto enjoy their lovely looks for as long as possible. First of all, before we elaborate on that, we would like to remind you that our baby shoes are made of 100% Italian natural leather. The shoes are made of the highest quality material that allows airflow and makes the footwear more pleasant to the children's feet compared to the footwear made of artificial materials. However, to prolong the aesthetic look of the leather slippers, here are some valuable tips that you should follow.

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For some time now, we have been receiving questions from you as to how to clean ekoTuptusieto enjoy their lovely looks for as long as possible. First of all, before we elaborate on that, we would like to remind you that our baby shoes are made of 100% Italian natural leather. The shoes are made of the highest quality material that allows airflow and makes the footwear more pleasant to the children's feet compared to the footwear made of artificial materials. However, to prolong the aesthetic look of the leather slippers, here are some valuable tips that you should follow.

It is known that our children often do not spare their shoes. Therefore, it happens quite often that it gets dirty. In order to effectively clean the ekoTuptusie, the following rules should be applied:

  • gently remove dirt with a damp sponge or cloth. However, it is best to use a dedicated brush
  • after the shoes get dry (make sure you dry them at room temperature, drying the footwear close to a heat source may crack or crumble the leather), you should use a special liquid for cleaning leather shoes, which can be created by adding a few drops of vinegar to boiled water (if you want to buy such a liquid, make sure that the agent dedicated for ekoTuptusie is safe for children, as well as that it is intended for smooth leather and suede)
  • after using the liquid, you can polish the skin, e.g. with the inside of a banana peel, then remove the residues, and wait a few minutes until completely dry. A special shoe cleaning cloth should be used for this treatment
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