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Our children deserve the best. It's not just about entertainment or education - it's also about basic needs. The right shoes and slippers, made of high quality material can work wonders. After all, there's a reason why it's said that with well-fitting shoes, you can go really far. This saying applies not only to adults but also to children. As long as we provide them with soft leather slippers dedicated to toddlers.


What materials are the best children's footwear made of?

Let's start with a message: never buy children shoes made of artificial materials! Why? When babies stand on their own two feet, the shoes are designed to support proper motor development; they should provide comfort and not restrict the child's movements. Although cheap, shoes made of artificial materials are ultimately not worth it - the toddler's skin sweats, regardless of the season. Such shoes put pressure on the child's feet in various places, causing serious discomfort. What's the worst thing about them? These shoes do not fit like natural leather, they are not flexible.


Natural leather, on the other hand, is a great choice. We can divide this material into two types - first of all, smooth leather and rough leather. Different types of leather have different properties and are resistant to different weather conditions; we will mention a few of them. For example, suede is rough, soft and cool. Susceptible to dirt, it is best for warmer autumn and spring days; and perfect for summer. On the other hand, full-grain leather - a classic among shoe materials - is highly durable and resistant to moisture, and at the same time, easy to care for. It's good if children's slippers are made of it. We will also mention nubuck. This is a variety of rough, tanned leather. It is soft, sanded, and polished - it is used for sports shoes.

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